The Only Exception

1:58 AM

Oh boy, I can't believe how time flies. We're almost 8 months into twenty-eleven.

\m/, for 2nd year anniversary with my boy is on it's way and my birthday. Because I'm turning 18, yes, finally legal to get a license, buy booze + cigarettes, watch M18 and enter nightclubs. Don't get me wrong here, I'm looking forward to getting my driver's license only and maybe to enter Zouk legally for Sour Plum Shots, that's it.  Also, the very big project I've been working on, Festivals & Events Management is completed! Mm, had a tough time doing the posters y'know. 

Okay, shan't speak bout the negative. And.. to add on, my boy passed his driving test like on his 3rd attempt. We're all bout' driving round' Singapore, exploring new hangout places, enjoying good food and having a good time. Not forgetting, having to top-up petrol once in 3 days is really a liability. But lucky him, it's his Mommy's car. 

Now, for the real purpose I'm back here... 
I really need a space to rant, I've deactivated my Facebook and deleted my Twitter (regretted) 

I learned to live, half-alive...

Ok, goodnight all. 

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