
11:01 PM

Disclaimer: If you click 'PLAY', then watch the full video. If not, don't even click 'PLAY'

And I love you more than I did before.
Note: Important message between 3:55 to the end of the video!

Windows Movie Maker have always failed me, but not this time! Previously, I tried to make a video for Bby on our 1st year Anniversary, but the whole thing crashed on me, maybe because I was too impatient. Now, Youtube does shit to me and it doesn't turn up when I try to play it. So, bear with the lousy Blogger video upload tool.

I know it took me quite long before I decide to open up my blog back to the public. But, who gives a shit right? No one reads unless I tell them to, anyway. Or maybe some nosey parker will constantly try stalking me or find me on Google.

So, Mom, how's your Sunday? Must be a happy one. You get to see your daughter stucked by her bed, either sleeping, or waiting by her phone or maybe surfing the net. Sometimes, I really hate my mom alot even though I know her intentions well. Yes, I'm your flesh and blood, yes I call you 'Mommy', yes I am your daughter and of course, you want the best for me. But, I wish this wasn't the way you reacted.

Now my poor boy has to go through all this shit with me. Sigh.

For all the shit we've been through and for all the memories I had with him, I want to say how much grateful I am to have him back in my life now. Been to lots of stops along the way but still, I made it to him. I love him with all of my heart and I will never ever let him go away again. I maybe the foolest amongst all, but I just wanna be happy. He maybe the reason why I cried so hard but he is also the reason why I’m happy in my life right now. I’ve got nothing more to ask for. A day with him is a special day. Eversince the day we were together, I know he is the one I’ve been waiting for. The guy who understands me a lot, will do anything for me even though we fight all the time. The great thing about him is his patience, no other guy ever did that to me. I mean, patience as in being able to give me so many chances and still wait knowing that we'll make it through one day. Everytime I watch these different love stories in movies, I always think about him, it’s funny really funny. I remember the day I knew him, not formally but through a friend. I adored him from a far, the silent guy that looks so fierce and cold. I never expected anything until now, I find it funny about knowing him differently as I knew him right from the start. All the plans we have right now is what we aim for the future. A house, a car, good jobs and a family was all just enough. I don’t need to be rich coz all the richest in the world can’t be exchanged with happiness, and right now “HE IS MY HAPPINESS”. I never regretted the fact that I always keep running back to him all the time. And I’m glad we’re together again whatever other people might say, coz I’m really happy now, and thats what all counts. I love you so much, baby.

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