What's for lunch

2:15 PM

What's for lunch: Egg, vegetables & curry pork strips.

Never tried eating Curry pork strips before. But it did complement the curry flavour, so it was alright. I think this Catering service is the best so far! ;) Mom's working, so cannot cook dinner, and Bbyboy has been wanting to come over for dinner again. Hehe. And, I haven't been going to Bbyboy's Grandma's place to eat, same for him, boxim! Orh horh, I tell your grandmother. ^^

Btw, there's Lookbook for fashion trends, then what's a blog or social network site for food? I shall conclude that it's quite cool to blog bout' food, but then, Bbyboy will grow fatter if we go around Singapore for good food. Well, just a home-cooked meal can taste awesome thou it may not look appealing, but I guess, with my photography skills, anything can be beautiful.

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for Hunneybunz to return all the way from school, fucking hell, take his own sweet time. I shall wait until he is sure how long I'm gonna wait before he wants to really come back and see me or else, he dies. Stupid boy! Till now, we haven't practiced Marriage D'amour to perfection eh! :@ Whatever.

Anyhow, I went to check out the subjects I'm going to take in Semester 2.

- Communtication Skills 2: This is so english to me, can't we do without this.
- Principles Of Management: I could use a little help from Bbyboy & I can help him with Organisational Behaviour.
- Fundamentals of Food & Beverage: Awesome, I'm bound to ace this subject!
- Macroeconomics: Sounds better than Microeconomics..
- Principles of Marketing for Hospitality & Tourism: Same for this, could use a little help from Bbyboy

Ughr, I still don't know what Cross Disciplinary subjects I'm going to study. Really wish I get Japanese although it's elementary and maybe Psychology, I love that, absolutely. ;) Forgot what other choices I made already, but to hell with that. Muahaha.

Okayyyyy, I cannot wait another minute already. G'bye!

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