
1:10 AM

Hello there, I know recent pictures of me haven't been posted on this already dead blog of mine. But I've one, okay, like a pathetic only. Yessssssssssss, I've got Devil Horns. I wanted to buy it so much last week when me & Bbyboy went for Halloween Horrors last week. But he said, "inside sure got one" ): In the end, don't have, and when we exit, they weren't selling already. Sist & bro went today, so my chubby bro got me this, hehe. 8 bux, I expected it to be like 15bux or sth. But damn happy, cos' super chio red glowingggggggg devil horns. :)

And, the picture below is for you Hunneybunney, I know you miss me like a Chubbybunney, but recently, my cheeks have sunken, cos' we always fighting. ): Knnbpcb, like I want only. Yesterday's was the worst, fuckmylife. Sieh hot mxm, blood boil, heated arguments, lotsa tears, punches thrown on the wall ( me la, so fucked up. ~,~) and etc. Imagine... M.fucking pain. I won't disclose why. But after awhile, Bbyboy's friends drove to place around 11/12plus then we got things settled, went for late dinner @ Simpang Bedok.

See, Darling, your friends sieh steady. Aisey! 3 cars + 1 motorbike with all your 12 friends or more... I don't even think I've close to that lor. Because, y'know me yeah, I rather have 1 true friend than 10 friends. ^^ And for me, I haven't been with my bbygirls lately, everything been bout you, I also don't make any effort to meet them, I just like life with you, that's all. Srsly, I'm also sensitive enough to know that my friends cannot be treated as subs, and I never did.

I love my eyebrows, mxm. (Y)

Oh yessssssssss, did I forget, Hunneybunz dyed his hair again.
Guess what colour...


Wlao, I said brooooooooooownnnnnnn. No other colours, but he's damn stubborn. Anyway, his colour also drop off already, no more pink. Sian mxm, spend so much money but in the end, also like that.. Mmmmm... I'm gonna dye my hair the similar colour to my Chihuahua. :) Hehe, my dog's fur colour so chio.

Enough of me, g'bye.

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