Daily randoms

11:40 PM

Loverboy looks so handsum when he's asleep; I love waking up next to him in the mornings.
Been in love for almost three years now and still, IN LOVE. <3
Planned for our FIRST overseas trip to... *destination to be kept a secret*
Anyway, ain't a secret because for those following me on Twitter would know!

Had Laksa + Popiah Party over at my crib today with all my paternal side relatives.
Didn't get to see my Grandpa cause he's hospitalized...
Sigh, when my Mom texted me to say that he's been hospitalized, reminded me of my late Grandfather.
I miss those times when my grandparents (maternal side) were still around.
Okay, nuff' of those

I kinda persuaded le boyfriend to come over because he say "he can't be himself around my family and extended family..." *laughs* I really cannot stand him, still act one shy boy. Everytime he comes over to my crib, he'd never fail to have one or two servings of Ice Cream. Always. My ice-cream boy. He enjoyed the Laksa and Mommy specially prepared shredded chicken as well since he don't eat prawns. And, he said Momsie's Popiah damn unique. :-) Feed him good food.

I've been putting on lots of weight, and I need to lose fats badly.

Anyway, some pictures... Daily randoms, as the title says.
Yes, all bare face, I haven't been applied cosmetics/make up for two years already? 
Except on the third day of CNY, I think?

Teddy hiding in the back, too big to be seen.

Random shot I took after my nap.

#OOTD floral chiffon

Pedicure #hellokitty #OPI


Lunch last weekend, Momsie cooked.
HappyCall pan is magic! No, my mom's cooking is da best. ME GUSTA :D
Grilled Chicken + Prawns + Oatmeal with Macademia Honey and Berries <3 

Pizza Capers with le boyfriend.
Another favourite other from our usual Domino's Pizza.

Angry birds fishcake my Mom bought for my niece.

To end... 

I will share one of my skin secret!

Bye for now.

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