1:49 AM


Picture Credits: nadnut
(I gave up using the Image Uploader and Photobucket, thus I grabbed this pircture)

Creations by yours truly
(From bottom left (in clockwise direction): Waffle with Ice-Cream, Bacon and Eggs, Strawberry, Cookie, Lollipop, Smiley Face, Grape)

The candies were hard to work with, very sticky.

In the process of DIY-ing my candy set, I did not manage to take down any pictures or video because this is my first time with this set. (Yes, I've tried the Kracie Popin' Cooking Sushi Set and it turned out really well and I really enjoyed the whole process, I couldn't bear to eat em' up cuz' the Sushi looks so real!)

Here's a video to share, from Youtube:
This person is really good, I wonder how he/she managed to do such beautiful creations.
I couldn't, the chewy candies were all damn sticky and I didn't know what to do with it.
My sister even gave up while trying to mix the colours.

Not till you see the Sushi one.
Notice how the Sushi Rice fluff up just like cooked rice, and the 'salmon' and 'egg' toppings.
Do check out the other related videos, keep a lookout for the Sushi one too.
The other Popin' Cooking set from my Kracie Haul: the Happy Kitchen Cupcake.
I'm looking forward to the Cupcake Set, because it's almost like you're really baking cupcakes.
There will be this step where you'll have to mix the 'batter', then 'bake' it in your microwave oven and eventually you'll get the raised Cupcakes like how your baking powder does magic to make the flour rise.

You must be wondering what's the one on the bottom left.
That one is Neru Neru Neru Grape.
I shall share with you the virtual process of making this candy, adapted from: OlivePixel

I bet you want some too. 

Till here then, X
I will be bloggin' bout my experience with clothes buffet in the next post.
The EXU Clothes Buffet 2 by Milly's fyi/btw. 
Am thinking bout... a giveaway as well and the giveaway items will be from the EXU Clothes Buffet
A sneak preview of my lootz, 14 in total and I paid $76 only.

So, if you'd like me to do a giveaway... 

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