Letter: Day #6 - A stranger

11:26 PM

Picture heavy entry

1 comment viewed(!) on 28th Aug 2010:

Anonymous said...
Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.

This reminds me that I still have 25 more letters from the Tumblr Challenge; the comment some anonymous left on Letter: Day #2 - Your Parents.

Okay, Imma end the post with the letters, but I've promised to upload pix from Universal Studio, great anticipation eh. ^^
p/s: Only the best pix are uploaded, all the rest can be viewed here > http://www.facebook.com/Cherie.N

That's all. I know still got more, but I very lazyyyyyyy. :s

Ahhhh great! Cathay replied to my e-mail, I wonder when they'll hit me back with another one to confirm an interview or sth, I want it fast. Btw, 2 companies called me in the weeee hours, so early, disturb my beauty sleep. Turned both down, didn't fit in with my date of availability.

Oh yes, I studied Microecons with Bbyg yesterday, not very productive but I managed to complete the chapter. Bbyboy was unhappy cos' my ol' clique guys were there. Sorry Darling. ): And, Bbyboy said he fared well in his English Orals yesterday cos' what came out was what we touched on. Please do better for Paper 2!

Studies... I think I should revise Microeconomics now since Bbyboy's out with his friends. Pfffftttt! Lonelygirl_93! ):

Shutup now & revise Microeconomics.
Tomorrow morning wake up & practice piano again! Gonna master Marriage D'amour by Richard Clayderman with Bbyboy, I'mma teach him well!
And, and, and, I should fucking rid that personal barrier. Burn to hell, beeeetchhhzzxzzxxz! ):<

Letter: Day #6 - A stranger
As a child, I was taught never talk to strangers nor open the door for an unknown person. Guess this applies to many people too. A perfect stranger to me is neither a friend nor an acquaintance. Ahhhhhhhhh.... Fuck, I've got nothing to write bout a stranger.


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